Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Field Study #6

Field Study Visit 6
November 27 2017
3:45 PM
9:23 hours of sunlight today
Temperature- 53 degrees

Today I went out to my last field study. It almost all of the ducks and other birds and animals were gone for the winter. There were a few ducks in the corner of the pond, but I could not see them from my spot. I could only hear a couple of them. Almost all of the leaves have fallen, and the water was super grey. Here is all of my pictures in order from all of my field study's. Some are panoramic and others are normal pictures, but they are all from the same spot. As the pictures continue, the water get grayer and the algae goes away. The sky gets darker and cloudier, and the trees change colors and lose their leaves. All the animals also leave for the winter. 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Field Study #5

Field Study Visit 5
November 12 2017
5:15 PM
9:54 hours of sunlight today
Temperature- 39 degrees

Today when I went out to my location, it was raining. It had just stopped poring and was more of a sprinkle by this time. There were also lots of rain clouds so it seemed dark. The leaves were different colors and started to fall. There were also lots of ducks swimming around all over the pond. The swan wasn't there so it might have moved to a different spot for the winter, so the ducks had the whole pond to themselves. Some of the ducks were swimming in the deeper part, and some were walking in the shallow part of the pond. The only noise I heard was the ducks and the wind blowing the trees. The water was also super dark and cloudy, and I couldn't see any plants or algae.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Field Study #4

Field Study Visit 4
October 27 2017
6:40 PM
10:32 hours of sunlight today
Temperature- 42 degrees

Today when I went out to my field study location, it was super dark. The sun was still out, but it was kinda rainy and super cloudy. There were lots and lots of ducks out on the water, and the one swan was still there also. I couldn't see the bottom of the water, it was super dark and cloudy. There also wasn't much algae on the surface of the water that I could hear. It was super noisy, because of the ducks and swans and also because the Zeeland Bird Bowl #2 was going on (Chix vs. Dux football game). The water didn't really seem any higher after all of the rain that we have had lately. The leaves on the trees are changing colors and falling.
This is a picture of the water.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Field Study #3

I went back to my field study location last night, October 10 at 6:45 PM. There was a battle of the bands at Zeeland Stadium, so that made the pond super noisy. Tonight the water was clearer and I could see some of the algae and weeds from the bridge. It looked basically the same as the last couple times I went, but the leaves were starting to change color and fall. There wasn't much algae on the surface of the water this time. There was one swan, and I don't think it really liked us being there, because as soon as we got to the bride it quickly swam over by us. I got a video of it swimming towards us. It was super windy and kinda chilly outside yesterday. It was 68 degrees yesterday and there was 12:53 hours of sunlight.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Field Study Visit 2
September 20 2017
8:30 PM
12:14 hours of sunlight today
Temperature- 80 degrees

Today went I went out to my field study location, I chose to go at night to see what it was like in the dark. It was really warm, especially for a September night. There were a lot more ducks and swans swimming around today. I think part of that is because of the heat, the ducks wanted to be in the water to cool down. I heard a lot of crickets while I was out there. I also heard lots of cheering and clapping because there was a soccer game going on right by the pond. There was a lot of noise tonight, but last time I went there was hardly any noise. I took a voice Memo so you could hear the noise from tonight. I also noticed that the water seemed clearer, and like there was less algae floating on top. I didn't see any fish or hear any like I could last time.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Introduction to my biology pond

I went to the pond on Wednesday, September 6 and 8:00 AM. It was super nice outside, there was a little bit of morning dew on the ground, and some fog near the water. It was 43 degrees outside, the sun was out for 12:56 hours today. I hear lots of birds chirping, and saw lots of fish jumping around and moving. I also heard the panting and running of my dog, because he didn't like to stop in one spot on our walk. I couldn't really smell anything because I have a cold, and I also saw/heard swans swimming in the distance. I also heard school bells ringing.

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