Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Field Study #3

I went back to my field study location last night, October 10 at 6:45 PM. There was a battle of the bands at Zeeland Stadium, so that made the pond super noisy. Tonight the water was clearer and I could see some of the algae and weeds from the bridge. It looked basically the same as the last couple times I went, but the leaves were starting to change color and fall. There wasn't much algae on the surface of the water this time. There was one swan, and I don't think it really liked us being there, because as soon as we got to the bride it quickly swam over by us. I got a video of it swimming towards us. It was super windy and kinda chilly outside yesterday. It was 68 degrees yesterday and there was 12:53 hours of sunlight.

1 comment:

  1. You have an issue with your day length but the rest looks great. You have some excellent pictures and the video is great!
